From Vim To Zed

From Vim To Zed

#Vim #Zed


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By: Thorsten Ball |

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Concluzion: From Vim To Zed – programming,software engineer,software engineering,developer,web design,web development,programmer humor


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  1. not trying to advertise but what about "mg979/vim-visual-multi" ??? combined with "neoclide/coc.nvim" + "jiangmiao/auto-pairs" + "tpope/vim-fugitive" is all you'll ever need..

    (and make some macros and change some keybinds)

  2. The best takeaway for me from this video is the quickfix/cdo action 👍

  3. blank

    Emacs still the best out there all these years lol

  4. blank

    All you younguns talking about vim.

    vi(1) was the ultimate editor when I was deep in c code at work. This was when version control was done using cvs and Linus would’t create Linux for a good few years yet.

  5. blank

    From vim to zed? What a joke

  6. blank

    I have been using Vim for the last 5 years. I started using Vim extensions in vsCode a couple years back. I’m curious to try neovim, any recommendations on where to start / helpful configs / macros?

  7. blank

    poor guy cannot exit vim for 10000 hours

  8. blank

    Also wish it supported Jupyter notebooks eheh…

  9. blank

    I would use zed if it had a debugger…

  10. blank

    All of these features exist on VS Code and are way better for now! He surely never used VS Code because most of the key binds are the same

    Zed is way worse than VS Code in so many ways, it's not even fair to compare them

    I tried a lot of solutions, but Vim motions(+ vim extensions) + VS Code is the way to go

    Even tho Zed is built with Rust, it's way slower than VS Code.

    Maybe they can make it good, but it will be very difficult to compete with VS Code, he needs to be outstanding to give people a reason to switch, not just good enough or OK, It needs to be WOW

  11. blank

    I just hope that remote development gets added soon. Working on some C++ code bases is just easier on a linux box somewhere

  12. blank

    There were times when running a regexes accross project

  13. blank

    This man just needs emacs in evil mode

  14. blank

    I feel like this is this is making something complicated that should not be. Idk for me it's just about the code not in what format I write it. Just use what fits you the best. I really feel like your wasting time, when u overcomplicate ide's

  15. blank

    mac only is already a very good sign, they know what's up!
    if only prime would knew how much all his time saving stuff is useless because he uses windows, costing more time you could ever save.

  16. blank

    moving to neovim or modal editing in vs code was on my road map but Zed changed things. I'm very slow at typing but he editor experience is vastly better in Zed than vs code.

  17. blank

    3:34 say less. I already know I will be on it as soon as a Linux version is out

  18. blank

    You gotta take the time to enable that extension that shows you what keys you've pressed. I would liked to know what keys you pressed to get to that quickfix list

  19. blank

    I use Wezterm instead of tmux. It's written in Rust, and hackable with Lua.

    I am looking forward to trying Ghostty though.

  20. blank

    who else feelse this weird urge to implement object oriented bash afterbwatching this episode😂

  21. blank

    Emacs did all of this and more years ago

  22. blank

    For a content creator that is doing majorly reaction content that consists of reading, you really are shit at reading 😀 Skill Issue

  23. blank

    Visual Studio Community -2019- 2022 / WebStorm

    I like when my ide implements the solution for me.

  24. blank

    That multi-buffer thing would be amazing for when you have to add a lifetime to a type in Rust.

  25. blank

    Some users were really hoping for something similar to VSCode to abandon VIM

  26. blank

    Do people really need editors that have 1 ms response time with GPU support and keyboards that give them 100wpm capability? I usually spend several days analysing the problem from hundreds of pages of PDF, then I design it with a pencil and paper and the I write down the code (which is much faster with a bloated slow IDE – but which can generate the boiler plate, autocomplete correctly, run tests etc).

  27. blank

    I love how VSCode + JavaScript fans and Linux + holy C + Vim preachers dislike this project just because it was built for mac first because IT WAS THE NEAREST PLATFORM THAT THE DEVELOPMENT TEAM HAD…

    Just let new technologies to enter the chat and consider adopting them if those projects are promising. Do not base your opinion on how used are you to your favorite tech without even giving a try. That's the way that companies maintaining COBOL programs think…

  28. blank

    shift+K is the only thing I need

  29. blank

    Zed is awful. I’ve tried using it several times, and it’s always painful.

  30. blank

    is this guy fawning over things that have been in IDEs for 20 years?

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