Fixing The Spiffing Brit PC That Broke Youtube ft. Real

Fixing The Spiffing Brit PC That Broke Youtube ft. Real Mouldy Tea

#Fixing #Spiffing #Brit #Broke #Youtube #Real

“Overclockers UK”

This once perfectly balanced PC was exploited and broken by tea… Find out how Overclockers UK patched the glitch and saved the day so Spiffing Brit can use it to finally run Skyrim at 60FPS.

Check out Spiffing Brits Youtube channel Here: @thespiffingbrit


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00:00 – This PC is Gross!
01:30 -…

Concluzion: Fixing The Spiffing Brit PC That Broke Youtube ft. Real Mouldy Tea – Overclockers UK,OCUK,overview,PC Gaming,gaming pc,games,gamers,overclocking,Overclockers Newsweekly,tech,tech and gaming,gaming news,new tech,new pc,pre built pcs,Tech news,#pc case,#motherboard,pre built gaming pc,gaming computer,ssd,graphics card,pc builder,144hz monitor,4k monitor,gaming monitor,monitor,mouse pad,mouse mat,gaming mousepad,gaming laptop,gaming mouse,harddrive,hard drive,gaming chair,pc,best gaming chair


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  1. Good job guys, looks amazing!.. after a good clean up.

  2. The Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen song was a nice touch!

  3. blank

    Oh My God! The Spiffing Brit Is Real 😮😢🤯

  4. blank

    How did nobody notice that at 9:11 that's not a British song, that's "My Country, 'Tis of Thee", a VERY American song 🤣🤣

    Also I love this PC.

    Edit: thanks for the education now I know that it’s also god save the king 😅😅

  5. blank

    Dagnammit. Actually seeing the Spiffing Brit ruined my image of him.

  6. blank

    Thank god they didn't put milk in it, this would have been a whole lot worse 🤣🤣🤣

  7. blank

    Big Dave? It's a PC, with tea, a PTea if you like, why is it not called Petey?!?

  8. blank

    Glad they fixed that train wreck that LTT built. I love LTT but when they put real tea into a system I think everyone knew the outcome was going to be very bad. And this video confirmed that and more. Super glad they fixed it and that it will be used, as it really is a spiffy computer.

  9. blank

    To be fair, it is not a lot of mould..

  10. blank

    Idk who she is, but wow shes beautiful and love her outfit. Never watched this channel before but was curious after I heard Linus talk about the damage. They did a great job fixing it up.

  11. blank

    $10 says they removed the message on the inside of the back panel

  12. blank

    Love to see this system up and running again, one of my favorite YT pc builds. It's just so violently british, but it's still a pc, not something else with a pc in it.

  13. blank

    I was expecting Spiff to have a top hat, long pencil mustache and a monocle.

  14. blank

    Well… clearly the reason it got moldy is because the tea is cold.

  15. blank

    Oh this is where Her Ladyship is hanging out these days! I didn't get the memo. I hadn't realised Overclockers was in Stoke either. Time to book a Jolly. 😁 I do like the build; but a trick was perhaps missed not using Noctua fans. I'll have a brew and cogitate, methinks.🤔🫖☕🤔🫖☕🤔🫖☕🤔

  16. blank

    as expected of LTT quality

  17. blank

    I like the guy he breaks games and youtube alot lol

  18. blank

    Had me going straight to the skip button. Dont do that

  19. blank

    did have two sugars as well as milk

  20. blank

    I understand your choice, but it should have been a Sports Direct mug

  21. blank

    How bout a nice cup of Liber-TEA!! sorry been playing too much helldivers 2…. and since it was tea related… ill see myself out now

  22. blank

    Holly… Didn't expect some face reveal

  23. blank

    lol imagine referencing linus in 2024

  24. blank

    i love this company sometimes you try ebay for parts but cause of shipping or special deals overclockers comes out cheaper, shame they stopped doing gpu with waterblocks attached however, great job with the pc rescue. i would love to work for these guys if only they where a bit nearer to Clacton-on-Sea.

  25. blank

    yeah couldve just used a brown coolant stead of actually tea.

  26. blank

    Wait, is this a facereveal?

  27. blank

    well done with the segue, Linus would be proud 🥲

  28. blank

    I really wanted to know what happened to that system

  29. blank

    I expected him to be older or about 30s of age, but it is him alright.

  30. blank

    Came here from WAN show. This is great content. We all knew the tea was gonna be bad we just didn't know how, when or where.
    So this evergreen of a tea pot PC was exciting to hear pop back up in the news.

    Yeah I don't know why they didn't swap it for a real cooling fluid after they tested it but then again that was partially assumed to happen later.

    Hopefully you don't get any more http 418 "I'm a teapot" errors with big Dave, how British!

    I love the tee box inside, this made for a great unintentional collaboration and I'm glad it mostly made it across the pond. Speaking of which it's time for tea.

  31. blank

    Big Dave looks amazing 🎉

  32. blank

    Never watched the original as dont like LTT anymore but what you guys did was great improvement and quite frankly shocked they actually put Tea in the loop.

  33. blank

    hearing that the pc never got to even function is depressing 😭

  34. blank

    On the back of the case – a picture of Queen Elizabeth II.
    On the inside of the back panel an Irish flag.

  35. blank

    Thats what happens when you get Linus Drop Tips to make you a PC!!

  36. blank

    Not sure uve ever sen him in the flesh

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