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Earn TRX Daily: The Best TRX Mining Strategies for 2024!

Earn TRX Daily: The Best TRX Mining Strategies for 2024! #Earn #TRX #Daily #TRX #Mining …


  1. ‘Never mine nether gold’ 2secs later: mine nether gold!

  2. If I remember right fortune 3 actually gives more gold than smelting

  3. nether gold still gives a better return regardless due to the weird spawnrate of gold. you are always better off mining gold in the nether asides a mesa maybe, but it seems to only be slightly more gold.

  4. i did not know that
    that's insane!

  5. For those who are saying fortune 3 is better i have tried fortune 3 gives nugget which is less then one ingot 👍🏻

  6. I honestly never know you can smelt them…but I don't need the gold, I need the exp most of the time for mending.

    The gold lost it's shine in multiplayer, it wouldn't be useful unless you're making a lot of netherite

  7. Bro 1.21 update is best i can make gold farm give nuggets to hopper in to auto crafter and them hopper into auto crafter to gold block and sword is smelt this method to block

  8. But with fortune lll we get more than 20 nuggets 😂😂

  9. You know I had an arguement with my friend which is better for nether gold ore, fortune 3 or silk touch…. turns out…. ITS THE SAME! On average fortune 3 gives you 9 nuggets. Ranges from 6 to 12 if I remember correctly

    But i'll use silk touch anyway because its cooler

  10. If your server allows for fortune 4, its wayyy better than silk touch for multiple reasons

  11. If you already have a silk touch pickaxe then you probably don't need the gold anyways

  12. "I am placing blocks and s■■■ and I'm in f■■■■■■ Minecraft" ahh moment

  13. Mine it with fortune 3 and u can get like 2 stacks of nuggies from a single vein, if u get 9 stacks of nuggies u can make a stack of gold, i dont think this is correct in ur video

  14. I use fortune III and get more gold than I’ll ever use on tools, armor, or villagers so I don’t need a trick to get even more.

  15. * burps *
    I think everyone already knows this

  16. I like fortune more, because I hate to wait the smelting process.

  17. Mining nether gold with fortune three can give up to 24 gold nuggets. Use fortune 3, not silk touch

  18. OR, hear me out, fortune 3 maybe??? If I need lots of gold I’m smelting but if it’s for netherite, I’m fortune 3ing it

  19. Fortune 3 is better, you’ll almost always get more ingots, usually 1.1-1.3 more, you also don’t waste fuel (even if lava is available it’s still nice to be efficient) you also don’t have to wait for your gold to smelt and can just instantly craft it, Silk touch is just way less efficient and you lose some minor profits for no reason, not worth it

  20. never mine nether gold! instead: mine it

  21. “Never mine nether gold”, instead mine nether gold

  22. 3 years ago i learned this in a technoblade dsmp stream

  23. i do it for the xp, but good to know

  24. and uh.. how’d you acquire that gold ore ? was it by.. mining it ?

  25. You still have to mine it for that

  26. I'll continue to use fortune 3 because it has always rolled the *4 and I've never even once rolled under 9 nuggets per ore

  27. “Never mine nether gold!”

    “Mines nether gold with a different pic” WOW THIS IS HOW YOU MINE NETHER GOLD!

  28. I just Mike with fortune, I don't have to bother with melting, and I still get stacks and stacks of gold.
    After I went mining for netherite to make 3 sets of gear, I never needed to mine for gold again.

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