DHH Talks Apple, Linux, and Running Servers

DHH Talks Apple, Linux, and Running Servers

#DHH #Talks #Apple #Linux #Running #Servers

“How About Tomorrow?”

DHH talks with us about his journey back to Linux, Apple’s control over the App Store, setting up servers on the web, and tries out Terminal coffee.


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00:00 Introduction and…

Concluzion: DHH Talks Apple, Linux, and Running Servers – [vid_tags]


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  1. Agree with the Neovim Stuff, but Apple Hardware is to good to pass on. It seems like he left Apple because of idealistic business reasons like the 30% Paycut he talked about.

  2. You know, he actually reminds me a lot about Steve. Steve would have LOVED his take. It’s why he created Apple in the first place. DHH is getting better and better.

  3. We should meme the blank look on Dax' face

  4. 19:55 Also moved to Linux for work this year. Can't ever go back.

  5. I can’t get enough of DHH talking! It’s astonishing how much he can say yet be extremely deliberate and pointed with his words.

  6. Hall Donald Davis Brian White Edward

  7. Seeing DHH going through that journey after so long in the industry is sooo funny and relatable. I've been using Neovim for a few years now and have just finished the first few weeks of using a ZSA Voyager as my daily driver keyboard and oh my god. I didn't realise there were so many improvements that I could make to my workflow and my setup!

  8. Bruh… I couldn't stop watching the spit fly out of DHH as he talks 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  9. Change the thumbnail, only show DHH to properly represent the show. I'm joking but a little bit too much ranting but still some interesting takes.

  10. i ll get my other HDD to run arch after this video. N0ice talk guys

  11. And this, folks, is an example of someone who writes a lot. To speak coherently for a long time you need to write. 😉
    I’ve heard a lot of interviews with DHH, and he does talk a lot, but I think in this one he couldn’t really hear the hosts well. But it was incredible, one of the best interviews with DHH.
    Adam: you should pick up Ruby and Rails. 😉

  12. 34:20 smiles all around for the NVIM mention 😏

  13. What a great booking guys! Love DHH ❤ More of this please!

  14. Check out Honeypot’s Ruby on Rails documentary for more DHH goodness

  15. I’m sorry but someone using Linux fully for 6 months should not talk with this much conviction. Good pod otherwise.

  16. Damn, This was fun! I learned a lot.

  17. I think its time all developers should merge a broken migration with a broken rollback, and take the rest of the day to demand for world peace!
    Firing an engineer for a bug is such a vicious cycle so nobody is gonna get fired actually for this.

  18. first episode I listened to, could not have chosen a better introduction

  19. The title is so accurate. Only DHH talks….😂

  20. I was sceptical of omakub, having tried it, it is a great intro to Linux. I would expect devs who buy into Linux to outgrow it.

  21. This was fun 😂. Especially when he's in the flow 😂

  22. This was a great listen. Perhaps you could also add your guest to the thumbnail. Helps to get clicks and makes it easier to look through all your episodes.

  23. Linux is nothing but an illusion of free choice and freedom. Just look how fast main faces of Linux community(including Linus Torvalds) supported sanctions and info war against Russia.

  24. The Internet (web) is actually a more modern/futuristic platform for distribution of apps, the app stores are a step back technologically. Both Google and Apple should stop having app stores and instead use the browser to distribute native apps while at the same time allowing to add web apps to the home screen that don't use any native api's. Apple will loose nothing by moving to the browser as a distribution platform they can still charge their 30% the key is to allow native and web-apps to show up under the same search results and allow web apps to be added to the screen.

  25. Best episode, this was so good !

  26. HELL YEAH TOKYO NIGHT! I use Storm myself, let’s gooo

  27. He’s a complicated guy, talks a lot. I disagree with like 75% of the things he says and a lot of the things he believes.

    But man, sometimes he’s just right. And a lot of the technical stuff I initially didn’t agree with, eventually I do too. I slept on Rails and now I adore it, I hated Hotwire, I’m won around on it. I couldn’t stand Stimulus, now I think a version of it is kind of the perfect alternative to something like Vue/react.

    The social stuff though? The culture war stuff? Nah man, he just needs to spend less time on twitter.

  28. DHH is a very good yapper but if you pay attention and think about it, he is just talking shit like trump. His info on how drug research and big pharma works is completely wrong, and very harmful to society. But like in a classic DHH move, he is like this is awesome because I said it so. My man created a ricing script for ubuntu and thinks he is Linus Torvalds. 😀
    What you need to understand when listening to DHH is everything he says is just his opinions and not a fact. And he is a right wing multi millionaire who got lucky and is very detached from the real world.

  29. DHH is like the younger Don McMillan. When he gets old he's not going to retire with pigs and potatoes, he's going to become a Comedian.

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