DELVES are BORKED | Zepla learns about Blizzard’s BROKEN Tuning

DELVES are BORKED 💀 | Zepla learns about Blizzard’s BROKEN Tuning [World of Warcraft]

#DELVES #BORKED #Zepla #learns #Blizzards #BROKEN #Tuning


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Concluzion: DELVES are BORKED 💀 | Zepla learns about Blizzard’s BROKEN Tuning [World of Warcraft] – [vid_tags]


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  1. Solo anything with a Blood DK, they never die.

  2. fun lil activity i enjoyed with my wife. we were having a good time clearing 8's. then the new miniboss mobs just deleted us. completely ruined it for her. such a dogshit change

  3. So the meta for solo content is to join a group.

  4. Wait what's wrong with the delves? Been a great way for me to gear up so far.

  5. As a priest, I find delves to be perfectly fine. (Casually pets his mind controlled mob with half the boss's HP)

    In all seriousness though, tuning was always going to be choppy to find a balance between solo and group scaling. It's always going to be easier to run delves either solo or as a group, and it will always be easier to solo on some specs over others. Once they fine tune the numbers some more, I hope the player base will be accepting of this, because short of making the delves ultra-homogenized, there's not much that can be done about it. It's the same issues we had when 10 and 25 man raiding was done, and again when flex raiding was introduced, just on a smaller scale.

  6. Getting randomly 1 shot by something out of your control is not fun, hope they fix it soon.

  7. I have been soloing them for fun in my PvP gear as my Mistweaver. 8's are not a problem and I did a 9 after seeing some stuff in chat about are delves broken but dismissed it. The one down at the bottom of the isle of dorn. There are 2 mobs about halfway through that were not there on the 8 as I checked and did it after on the 8. Tula or something and another one by mob names. Paralyse was ignored by them, so was RoP and trip. Spear hand strike did work but there were 2 of them. First fight Idid not interrupt as I didn't yet know. Boom, dead, 2.3 Million ticking. Second fight I wonder is this an anomaly, I interrupt the first and get slammed by the second mob for 1.6 M hard dmg, and dead. 3rd fight no aggro and kite, dead as they ignore LoS. 4th fight examine every ability I have and conclude I can't do this but try and die. Quit and sail through it fistweaving on 8…wtf is that lol.

    I hear they unfixed their fix but idk, btw my gear is not so great as it's tuned ilvl 587/639 and pvp but I know what I'm doing. That was impossible.

  8. Hmm…I'm IL 576 and doing 8s solo. Some delves are harder than others, but that's fine. Just don't expect to face-roll everything. It takes me a while to get though an 8 as I have to recover and then set up the next fight…but that's half the fun…wouldn't be worth it if you could just cruise through them. Bountiful delves are generally harder so I started running normal delves up to 8 for gearing and loading up the great vault while backing off on difficulty for the bountiful ones. I suggest finding a delve that works for you and sticking to it. With an undead character the underwater delves are great because you don't need to worry about the air bubbles and them seem less difficult (probably because the underwater part is already considered to add difficulty). Just have fun in them and everyone shouldn't expect every level 8 to be easy. But yeah…a bug that hits for that much would suck…haven't had that, but I have finished with 3 or less lives a couple of times (and abandoned twice).

  9. Color me surprised, blizzard fun police strikes again 🤣

    Looks like it is going to be the third expansion skip in a row where I feel vindicated in deciding to not return 😂

  10. I got through 8s on my 557 resto last night, tonight they were more difficult. Still soloable but feels toxic!
    Brann also stands in shit again. so thats neat too. been solo running my priests with the help of Mind Control. let them kill my MC while i kill one of the other mobs for 2 less headaches.

  11. Delves were meant to be soloable… that was the entire point of delves… now it’s just a group dungeon all over.

  12. They were supposed to be solo and casual gamer content but yet once again the 1% epeen raiders decided to exploit the game to get gear and ruin it for the rest of the 99% of players just wanting to fucking play a bit so now Blizzard "fixed" delves but now in 2 weeks these 1% goobers will be doing their epic mythic raiding and will never do delves again and so now its going to be tuned for ilevel 890 gear for lvl 1 delve because of the mythic raiding clowns so maybe in 6 months blizzard might get around to "fixing" delves to scale back to the solo casual players they were intended for
    Just more gameplay being destroyed by the 1% exploiter mythic raider 500hr a month players as usual

  13. So just for fun on an alt, I went into a Tier 5 for some Vet gear. My iLvL is 577 and the recommended iLvL for the 5 is 567. I was on my Evoker. Common little spiders are hitting for 1/4 of my health. This is not a skill issue haha. It's a tuning issue and at LEAST they're trying to fix it "as fast as possible" but man what a rough start.

  14. it seems so weird to me that they allowed groups at all into delves. feels like it was designed around solo play, but balance around multi player is breaking it and causing them to overcorrect left and right which is then breaking the single player versions.

  15. That's why i'm waiting for them to put the game on sale.

  16. They want you to be 610ish to grind 580 gear because that's how they roll.

  17. ah yes….good ol Blizzard

    Players: We LOVE Delves
    Blizzard: We can fix it

    Delves are the reason I returned to retail
    Delves are the reason I'm leaving.

  18. Solo is still an issue today, i just tried soloing The Sinkhole Delve as a 600 Ilvl Havoc DH and i got 2 shot by a normal Elite Caster Mob within the delve, wasn't even even a mini boss.
    Went in there with 1 other guild member and we flew through it as if it was a T4 delve without breaking a sweat in under 7 min.
    Safe to say blizzard have no effin clue wth they're doing with their scaling.

  19. Zepla touches on it here but it can't be overstated – while the unpredictability and changing natures of delves is frustrating, you're getting heroic raid track gear. If people either expect or demand to be able to solo the content easily on week 1 of the season, I think that's unreasonable (especially if your ilvl is lower than the recommended, given that it's the in-game steer on your readiness before trying it).

    I also think Blizzard did a bad job in either gating the tiers giving this level of reward, or in setting player expectations.

  20. i can do t9 with my ret it's hard but not that hard but I can see how hard it would be for a class with no utility's

  21. Group delves are messed up right now but soloable for tank classes for sure, I’ve completed all the delves on t8. I started out on 578 and now i’m 597 because of the upgrades they provided.

  22. Honestly I'm at Level 8/9 with delves and improving my itemlevel at the moment and I never had the feeling that delves where unfair. That is just my personal experience. But my personal opinion after being a gamer for 30 years is, that the skill level of the "gaming scence" is increasing every second it feels like, while there is a huge amount of casual gamers, who need way way less challenge in gaming then "the scene".

  23. Not to mention some bosses and events are still totally bugged and prevent progress in several delves

  24. What? Delves are fine. Fast and good gear. People are just trying to do tier 8 + delves right out of the gate. I'm currently soloing 9. Also, after a certain tier, they ARE supposed to be hard. Yes they're casual but at tier 10 you're meant to sweat a little bit. This drama is nonesense.

  25. You can get through them as certain classes if you have high ilvl.. ie Deathknight

  26. I did 8er Delves before and after the Hotfix… felt not difference at all I started doing them with Ilvl 585'ish I'm now at 604 overall pretty easy.

  27. Bran was doing 900k dps, now he does 400k. The healer bran is better now. Swapped to healer bran and can do tier 8's again.

  28. Also… Why are delves without a key worthless, doesn't make sense to me. Why does a T8 without a key give 558 gear? That's just as hard and it gives nothing (basically). You need like 580-590 for a T8 so it should drop better gear than that.

  29. Why is soloable content so incredibly alien to Blizzard, it's like they can't comprehend people playing a video game just to have fun instead of wanting a second job.

  30. What's funny. Some people tried to flame me about taking what I called "Catch Up DMG from enemy mobs". You would be progressing unchallenged and then the little guy mob would just start chunking you out of no where. I havent seen much of it since fix, but its still there. Less frequent. I'm guessing to prevent EVERYONE from zerging the content and tiers. I guess, you can call it an artificial difficultly. Or would you consider that manufactured..?

  31. So, I had to switch to bear to finish a 5 solo, I just got roflstomped by the final boss of a delve.

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